I just saw aluminum silk screen frames sold at a price that is totally not possible if made in the USA. The Chinese are flooding our country with cheap goods and forcing more of us out of the business. Our elected officials seem to ignore this problem. I wonder why???
Certainly we all want a good deal, but this hurts our country more than all the crooked politicians put together. Our country's industry was once strong enough to compensate for the thieves in Washington.
I wouldn't have as much of a problem with these cheap goods if the people of China were benefiting more, but what I hear is they are not.
Lets help our country with our pocket books. That's the greatest vote we have to bring back a strong nation for our children and grandchildren. I will look for American made goods first and be glad to find them and pay a couple of more dollars.
Remember, when an American business closes its doors, we lose jobs, taxes, sales to other businesses providing goods and services to the now closed business. It's a domino effect that ends in the rich getting richer and increasing the population of the poor. As this population increases, the taxpayers that are left have an ever increasing tax burden to help these folks. Eventually it all becomes unsustainable.
Sunbelt American made Aluminum Silk Screen Frames:
20x24------110 mesh--------$16.25
23x31------110 mesh-------- 21.99